(see meeting recording at the bottom of the page)
via Zoom webinar
16th December
2.00 Welcome
2.05 – 2.45 Keynote Lecture - Lisa Manning (Syracuse University)
"What allows cells in dense tissues to move? And what stops them from moving?"
2.45 – 3.00 Tea/Coffee break
3.00 – 3.05 Mini-Symposium and PhD Prize talks
3.05 – 3.20 Maximilian Jakobs (PDN)
"Unrestrained growth of correctly oriented microtubules is crucial for establishing axonal microtubule orientation"
3.20 – 3.35 Anna Lippert (Chemistry)
"Molecular Mechanisms of T cell activation - Please Mind the Gap"
3.35 – 3.50 Alexander Ohmann (Physics)
"Outperforming nature with a synthetic lipid-scrambling enzyme built from DNA"
3.50 – 4.00 Tea/Coffee break
4.00 – 4.20 Stephanie Höhn (DAMTP)
"What are we made of? Reverse-engineering the most intelligent materials"
4.20 – 4.50 Ben Steventon (Genetics)
"Tissue tectonics and the emergence of pattern during complex morphogenesis"
4.50 – 4.55 Closing remarks and Poster prize
4.55 – 5.30 Networking and social activity – via Zoom Meeting (breakout rooms)
This event is restricted to members of the University of Cambridge or partner institutions (the Animal Health Trust, Babraham Institute, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, European Bioinformatics Institute, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, National Institute of Agricultural Botany and the Wellcome Sanger Institute). Please use your institutional email address to register.
Poster Session
via Slack
To participate in the poster session please submit your poster (ppt or pdf) and abstract (max 250 words) by email to admin@physbiol.cam.ac.uk until the 14th December 5 pm.
15th - 17th December
Slack channels will be open for discussion from 9 am on the 15th December until 5 pm on the 17th December for both poster session presenters and invited speakers.
Recommendation for posters:
Although any dimensions can be used, remember that attendees will be viewing posters on their computer screens. We recommend that posters be readable without zoom when displayed at full-screen width. We recommend arranging information blocks that can read horizontal instead of the traditional vertical arrangement.
Prior to the event we will create a slack #channel for your poster but you are responsible to upload the poster file yourself. You may also upload an optional audio/video walkthrough of your poster presentation (no longer than 10 minutes), which will act as a guided presentation for attendees to view or listen to while viewing your poster.
Networking and social activity
via Zoom webinar
Details will be announced soon. There will be surprises and more prizes!