Remit of the Programme
The Undergraduate Summer Studentship programme will fund up to three undergraduate students to undertake an interdisciplinary research project in Cambridge during the summer vacation. The Programme aims to give motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to work in partnership with a research group on a collaborative project in the general field of Physical Biology.
Key links
1) Information for supervisors
2) Information for students
3) List of projects available (2021)
3) Results (2021)
Information for supervisors
Call for Summer Studentship projects
The Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology invites group leaders to submit proposal(s) for undergraduate summer project(s). The CPB will fund the subsistence costs for students for up to 3 projects in 2021. We regret that we are unable to provide additional consumables costs.
To apply send the following information to Margarida Rodrigues:
- Project title
- Title, name, department and email address of project supervisor
- Contact details of any co-supervisors
- Project Description (500 words maximum)
- Short summary (max 80 words) along with key aims/tasks of the project
- Links to relevant supporting information (optional)
- Specific details for your project, as applicable. This could include, for example:
- essential knowledge, skills and attributes that would be advantageous;
- whether the project can be conducted remotely or if it is in-person or lab-based;
- duration (from 6 to 8 weeks maximum)
Deadline for project submission
5 pm 28th May, 2021
Note: We will accept projects submitted until the 28th of May, but please be aware that students will be invited to apply from 24th May until the 4th June.
Information for Students
The Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology invites undergraduate students from the University of Cambridge to apply for a bursary to support project work during the summer vacation (list of projects available here). The CPB will fund the subsistence costs for students for up to 3 projects in 2021.
This Programme is set up to allow undergraduate students, who are not currently in their final year of study, an opportunity to gain deeper insight into the research being undertaken by the academics that teach you. It also provides an opportunity for you to develop some of the technical and transferable skills required in research activities, and by many other graduate careers. Projects will be chosen from a list submitted by potential supervisors (see list of projects here). The list of available projects and the scope for experimental work will be limited by the constraints due to the ongoing pandemic.
The CPB Undergraduate Summer Studentships is designed to support undergraduates studying at the University of Cambridge who are going to return for at least one more year of undergraduate study.
Application Process
1) To apply please submit a concise letter detailing your interest and motivation in the call, as well as a CV, by email to Dr Margarida Rodrigues. You can apply for up to 2 projects on the CPB list indicating a rank order of preference, if applicable.
2) You are welcome to contact the named supervisor for further information regarding their proposed project(s).
3) Deadline for application: 9th June 2021
Project allocation is dependent on available funds and candidate suitability.
The outcome of the application process will be announced on the w/c 28th June 2021.
Once a Summer studentship has been allocated, subsequent arrangements for project administration may differ between Departments. Successful students will be expected to liaise with their project supervisor to determine the necessary procedures.
Note: Students will be paid at the National Living Wage plus the appropriate holiday pay, as a minimum. Payments made to students are subject to appropriate deductions for PAYE (Income tax and National Insurance contributions), if applicable.